“The investments in innovations and in green SMEs gives new look of the technologies, of the environment and of the corporate responsibility”, said the Deputy Prime Minister for European Funds Malina Kroumova at the closing event of the "Innovation for green industry" program in Bulgaria. She noted that with the 32 small and medium-sized enterprise projects supported at total amount of € 11.5 million, they helped for better viability and competitiveness in the field of sustainable industries.

From Norwegian side Ms. Тove Bruvik Westberg, Ambassador of Norway to Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova noted extremely good cooperation between the coordinators of the Programme “Innovation Norway” and National Focal Point. Ms. Westberg expressed confidence that the created foundation will ensure the success of future joint initiatives.

From 2007 until now with the support of Norway in Bulgaria are realized projects with innovative ideas. In this respect the Programme contributes for realization of the strategic goal of the Bulgarian Government – Bulgaria to be a competitive EU Member State with high incomes, standard of living and social sensitivity.

Green Industry Innovation in Bulgaria is Programme implemented by enterprises, public organizations and non-governmental organizations from Bulgaria, working closely with partners from Norway, thus building sustainable partnerships and passing Norwegian experience, technology and investment.

28,50 mln. Euro are targeted to programme area “Business development, Innovation and SMEs" for 2014-2021 Programming period. The support will be focused on projects that bring in innovative technologies, processes and services, supported sustainable business development, made existing businesses and green processes, developed knowledge-based innovation, and supported innovations provoked by consumers.