Green Industry Innovation Programme Bulgaria was officially presented today in the Sheraton hotel, Sofia.
Green Industry Innovation is one of the programme areas under the Norwegian Financial Mechanism (Norway Grants) for the financial period 2009-2014. The overall objectives of the Norwegian Financial Mechanism are to contribute to the reduction of economic and social disparities in the European Economic Area (EEA) and to strengthen the bilateral relations between Norway and the Beneficiary States.
The Green Industry Innovation Programme Bulgaria has the objective to increase the competitiveness of the green enterprises, including green innovations, practices and technologies. The eligible activities are: 1) investments in environmental technology and processes, training, research and development; 2) capacity building on environmental issues within the private sector; 3) remote monitoring related to the environment. A partnership with a legal entity from Norway is an obligatory requirement for each Bulgarian applicant in order to enhance the cooperation and exchange of experience between Bulgarian and Norwegian entities and business communities.
The Norwegian Government Agency „Innovation Norway“administrates the Programme by receiving and assessing the project proposals, signing the grant agreements, monitoring and reporting the project implementation. The Programme is implemented in close cooperation with the National Focal Point, “Monitoring of EU funds” Directorate within the Council of Ministers and with the line Ministries.
All relevant information and documentation regarding Green Industry Innovation Grogramme is uploaded to www.norwaygrants-greeninnovation.no.