Project: Partnership for Successful Institutional Practices for the Prevention of Human Trafficking and Labor Exploitation of Youth at Risk

Fund for Bilateral Relations at National Level under the EEA FM and NFM 2009-2014

Priority 1: Knowledge exchange in combating drugs and organized crime, children and youth at risk

Projectname: Partnership for Successful Institutional Practices for the Prevention of Human Trafficking and Labor Exploitation of Youth at Risk

Beneficiary: RiskMonitor Foundation

Project partner/s:University of Oslo

Total project budget:29,055 EUR

Project duration: 12 months (02.07.2015 - 01.07.2016)

Project objective:

To assess the THB prevention efforts in Bulgaria, comparing results and best practices in working with vulnerable groups in Bulgaria and Norway.

To strengthen the anti-trafficking response in Bulgaria by building the capacities of local stakeholders.

To raise public awareness of the risks for THB for children left without parental care.

To strengthen the cooperation between BG and Norwegian institutions in the field of countering THB through an expert network.


Short project description:

The project aims to improve the understanding of the mechanisms that facilitate the trafficking of youth at risk, in particular, the risks for trafficking for sexual exploitation and forced labor for children left without parental care and migrant families in Bulgaria.


Bulgaria is a source country of victims of trafficking, incl. minors (14-18 years old). There are policies and strategic documents on the prevention and control of trafficking, including for labor exploitation, but the phenomenon is still prevalent, esp. among Roma communities. The risk analysis mechanisms at local level (incl. trained personnel, facilities) to deal with the care-drain syndrome and to prevent the victimization of children are not well developed, esp. in communities with high level of unemployment, high percentage of children from immigrant families, poor families, Roma.


Norway, on the other hand, as a destination country for trafficking, has a successful approach and strategic documents (i.e. several multi-annual plans of action have been adopted since 2003, the current one covering the period 2011-2014.)

The partner University of Oslo is a leading organization with extensive experience of research and community activities focused on trafficking, forced migration, labor exploitation of trafficked persons and of migrants to Norway. Donor country experts also have experience with developing services for families and children subject to labor and sexual exploitation in Norway.

With this project we seek to gain scholarly and practical expertise – through assessment studies and workshop - for the Bulgarian partners (public bodies, NGOs, social care institutions, LEA) about the current dynamics of the trafficking phenomenon from BG to Norway, and specifically for analyzing/dealing with risks for children from immigrant families to become victims of trafficking or any form of exploitation (labor, forced begging). Specific attention will be paid to efforts needed to respond to the care drain syndrome as a specific risk factor for children in becoming victims of crime in Bulgaria and abroad.


Main activities and outputs:

Developing an assessment report of the current anti-THB efforts in Bulgaria, focusing on the risks of trafficking for children left behind in migrant families; main report focus:

Analysis of policies and measures for identifying the risks for THB among children in BG and in Norway (of migrant families)

Guidelines for relevant actors in Bulgaria for the protection of youth at risk from trafficking

Capacity building workshop with relevant actors (national, local institutions, National commission for combating THB) for experience exchange and establishing mechanisms for joint actions with BG officers and Norwegian partners.

Establishing a virtual online network of scholars, law enforcement, social workers from Bulgaria/Norway, for continued monitoring of prevention initiatives for THB and labor exploitation.



Expected project results:

Improved understanding of new forms of trafficking through the conducted studies and analysis;

Establishment of multidisciplinary working group between BG and Norwegian partners – including representatives of relevant state institutions, National Commission for Combating THB - BG, NGOs, social workers, etc.

Transfer of know-how from the Norwegian partners, good practices for supporting youth at risk and their families

At least 30 participants in capacity-building peer response workshop

Dissemination of results and lessons learned to BG organizations and public bodies responsible for anti-THB initiatives.

Raised public awareness of the risks for THB.


Contact information:
tel.: 02 980 32 45; fax: 02 980 19 45     

Pavlina Filipova, Project Coordinator:         
Nadezhda Bozakova, Administrative Secretary, RiskMonitor: