NGO Fund project: Empowerment of young people who are vulnerable to trafficking in human beings

Project №: BG05/584

Project name: Empowerment of young people who are vulnerable to trafficking in human beings

Beneficiary: Ravnovesie Association

Partner: National commission for combating trafick in human beings

Total budget: 29 810.00€ (26 710.00€ grant + 3100.00€ in kind contribution)

Duration:  15 months, till 29.04.2015 

Goal:  Creation of conditions for vulnerable groups including Roma to present to the public it's own problems and to propose activities for their solving. Ensure participation of representatives from the vulnerable groups including Roma in the decision taking process and in defining politics. Support анд/or dissemination of mechanisms for selfaid and solidarity. Increase of the interaction between vulnerable groups and marginalised communities with citizen organisations.

Project information:

The project addresses the danger of human trafficking for some of the most vulnerable potential victims, i.e. young Roma. The project aims at empowering young Roma to make an informed choice about the risks of the jobs proposed abroad and help them find a legal job in Bulgaria. First, 24 literate young people from 4 Roma communities in Bourgas District will be trained as facilitators under the programme Equal Train Equal. The training will include 3 three-day modules on the national and EU legal framework to fight human trafficking, the skills to identify and reach potential victims and facilitate group work on trafficking prevention. Second, a large-scale awareness raising campaign will be held. Finally, 120-hour training will be provided to 24 young Roma to help them acquire qualifications to enter the labour market. The project will benefit the target group of potential victims and raise the awareness of the community in general. The partner will help with its expertise.    

Information for an event within the project: