
Beneficiary: Fotofabrika

Финансиране: 43 774 евро

Goal: To make aquaintance Bulgarians an refugees, to start a discussion without getting in extremes.

(photos - project "The Strange Other")

The project tells stories about refugees and Bulgarians - the things thye have in common, the things that set them apart. A documentary has been created after many travels, interviews and discussions. The aim is to form an image of the refugges in Bulgaria, following meetings in the refugee camps in Harmanli and Sofia and with families living in Stara Zagora. 

The Unknown Other is an invitation for brainstorming, a meeting with common people in unusual situations. The Unknown Other is an initation for a dialogue between refugees and Bulgarians set against each other against their will.

One of the stories is of Petya Mitrashkova. She and her family live in the village of Telish. This is one of the villages where protests against incoming refugees erupted. Една от историите е на Петя Митрашкова, която заедно със семейството си е избрала да живее в село Телиш, едно от селата, в които бяха организирани протести срещу заселването на бежанци. You can find her interview on the life in the village here.

Running away from the yard you have been playing as a child.

Leaving the place you've buried your mother in.

Running away from a city where bombs are falling.


Meeting people whose language you don't understand.

Being afraid for your everyday meal.

Being afraid that there's no protection in your own country.

Being afraid.